
The Club

Association of Runners of Evia

The sports and cultural association of Evia runners was founded in March 2018 by a mixture of veterans and young people, with a common feature of their interest in sports, the natural environment and the history of our country. We started with 20 active members, now we number around 200 and this number is constantly increasing, with activities both on a sporting and social level.

The main purpose of our club is the sporting activity of its members, the development of the spirit of fellowship and solidarity among them, entertainment, highlighting the history of the place in combination with natural beauty that surrounds us and social development according to the principles of sports fan spirit.

Every year, the Association organizes two important races, one on the road and the second in mountain running, with multiple benefits for its members and the local community.

On the first Sunday of every June, a 21.1 km Eretria – Chalkida “Lilantios Half Marathon” Road Race a 20 km Relay (2 X 10 km) and a 5 km Road Race are organized, we try to give the message that only sports can do! Running means change, and change means life!

The last weekend of November, organizes a mountain running race called “Dirfys Trail Run”, with a distance of 5km, 15km, 30km and 4km Downhill + 1000m children’s race! Through the organization, the promotion of our place is achieved, the promotion of local traditional products, the paths are maintained and highlighted, environmental awareness is strengthened, and the rare natural environment is protected by the Natura network, which hosts us and which we must protect from ” green” growth that threatens nature with destruction.

Also, in the last days of the year, the city’s Christmas celebration of love and giving. Chalkida Santa Run with the co-organization of the Association of Medical Visiting Pharmacists of St. Sterea Evia. We become Santas for the children who need us, and we run around town and <We fill the sack with gifts>.

In addition to sporting activities, the association members also participate in voluntary activities with social content. They participate in environmental events and actions! The social activity of the association is remarkable, and as an example, we mention the supply of bottled water to the victims of the fire in Evia, the provision of a sum of money to cover the needs of the long-suffering Arkalochori in Crete, the provision of sports equipment to primary schools in the municipality of Chalkideon (Afrati-Phylla- Mytika, special school of Chalkida, Vassiliko, Nea Lampsakos) of the municipality of Eretria, as well as in the municipality of Dirfyon at the Stenis school. Other actions are the supply of food in the community kitchen “THE OTHER MAN of Chalkida” as well as the distribution of sanitary materials to volunteer groups, our members also help raise awareness among our fellow citizens, the problems they face, sensitive social groups, through symbolic movements! Also, the members of the association are the ones who keep the dozens of kilometres of trails in the mountainous area of Dirfi and central Evia open, both for the holding of the races and for hikes, by friends of the mountain and nature, who come From all Greece.

The presence of the club reminds us of the need for all of the above, both with the organization and co-organization of road races, with the presence of its members at conferences and speeches, with their participation in races throughout Greece, with the participation in social events and environmental in nature but mainly with the daily training in all the public sports areas of Evia.


The goals of the association are as follows:

  • The practice, cultivation, development and dissemination of sport for all (individual, team, mass and popular).
  • Lifelong exercise for health.
  • The strengthening of relations and the development of common action of those who are engaged in or are friends of sports, regardless of age and gender.
  • Stimulating the interest and motivation of citizens to engage in sports and running in particular and the maintenance of physical and mental health, the improvement of human well-being and quality of life and the cultivation of character.

administrative council